Rain rain go away!!!

We have no pictures from today as it was too wet to get the camera out 😦 it rained from the moment we set off to the moment we got finished so whilst today was relatively easy in terms of terrain, lovely rolling hills as we entered the dales, it was hard with the miserable weather. Somehow constant drizzle is worse than driving rain?! Today our views were supposed to be magnificent… the howgills ahead and the picturesque Helvellyn, High Street mountain ranges behind, unfortunately the weather put paid to that so it was a ‘head down and walk’ kinda day!! we did however have a couple of incidents involving cows (‘cowisms’ as they are going to be called for the remainder of this journey!) which helped break up the day…Indeed, when we relayed our tales to the owner of our guesthouse this evening she knew exactly which cows we meant and actually called them feral, relaying her own tales of run ins with this vicious pack of unruly walker charging animals. It has unfortunately set me back a little with my enthusiasm for tomorrow but the lovely lady and her husband (Hilary and Drew) have really helped by giving us local knowledge of where the cows hang out so tomorrow we are hoping to be able to avoid them! Snoop by the way, is flat out and snoring…. Again!!

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